Take me Back to The Night We Met!!

Prakarsh Sahu
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Alexis Antonio on Unsplash

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll tell you stories about
about the stars aligning
near the moon
just capture our presence
for they have known
about fleeting moments
being infinitely precious...

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll tell you
about the day
how brightness itches the eyes
and shadows haunt
why dreams woven in starlight
fade with dawn
allowing us to believe
if only for a moment,
that we were infinite, untouchable,
unbound by the limits of reality...

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll tell you why
it was never meant to last
why magic of the moment
was just a
magic in the moment
how we danced on the
edge of possibility,
naive to the inevitable dawn,
believing that
magic of the night
was life’s reality…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll recite you
many more poems
of how love holes out
our hearts
and silence becomes
a cassette for
all that could have been
but never was…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll tell you about beauty
and pain
how the universe seemed
to conspire in our favor,
only to reveal
its indifference
with the coming day
that some moments
are meant to be cherished
and then let go…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll tell you about
a beautiful lie
we wanted so desperately to believe
about love
promising eternity
and then
fading against destiny
and we thought
we could defy the dawn…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll paint a picture of your smile
how freckles on your cheeks
were answers
I always looked for
how beautifully you
wore it
creating an aura of warmth
that made darkness feel
like a home…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll narrate the fragile hope
we clung to,
how we wished
upon shooting stars
believed in the impossible,
how the night held us
in it’s soft hold,
promising a forever
that was never ours to keep…

Take me back to the night we met
And I’ll just wish...
We had never met!!

