The Idea of Us!!!

Prakarsh Sahu
2 min readMay 18, 2024


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

To be consumed by you is all I desire,
As you empty that veil of illusion
I brought for you with hope.
Let me dissolve in your essence entirely,
Unveil the truth in our fusion,
And let my soul elope with your venom,
As our eyes witness this dance
Of shadows and fire.

Before you, I wandered through mazes of loneliness,
With every step, I looked for the other half,
In your eyes, I found reflections of my deepest self,
Two nomads in search of a home.
Your presence was a compass,
Together, we mapped our desires on stars,
Creating a path, only our souls could tread,
Creating a universe where only we exist.

We are now fluent in that silence
Which speaks of yearning and dire.
Our breath talks of a plight,
Of being consumed by flames.
And then I let loose myself
In those darkened eyes of yours,
Where every touch feels like a sweet demise
Bringing us closer in that sacred space.

Together, we shatter the chains of night,
Reborn in embers of our desires,
Making stars look common
As our lights fill up the sky.
A place beyond dreams
Where reality and fantasies often meet,
I stand there as a witness
To the dance of shadows and fire.

Together, we are the poets of our fate,
Writing verses in the language of the soul.
We carve our names in skies
As your touch buries me deep
In our sacred space.
The world outside fades into mere shadows,
As we revel in our own creation.
Every breath is a shared confession,
Every heartbeat a serenade,
As we hum to the tunes of passion.

As we unite, beyond limits of flesh and bone,
We sit crowned as masters of our own paradise.
Together, you see, we fit like a jigsaw puzzle.
As alchemists of desires,
Turning every touch into gold,
I build a veil from it
To hold me in and carry me all the way to you,
To be consumed by you once more.

With every kiss, I make you a promise
To return to this sacred place
We call ours,
Our private universe where we reign
Beyond every margin
That limits the possibility of us.
To leave a trace of our emblem
And craft a reality only we can see,
Dancing eternally,
Just you and me,
To the tunes of your heart's chords.

