The Road To?

Prakarsh Sahu
2 min readSep 6, 2024


An end to a search!!!

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash


I am running down the streets,
Into a tunnel, out again,
Escaping, chasing,
Wondering if I could ever reach
The very end to this road.

Where does this road lead???
Why does it twist into darkness???
Why do the leaves that fall
Turn to meager ashes,
Filling the cracks
And making the path hauntingly beautiful,
Yet distant from desire?

The ehoes of my footsteps
Ring in my ears,
growing louder,
haunting me,
Reminding me of this suffocating chase,
And leading me to a room with no door.
Once you're in,
The smoke of cigarettes
Creeps into your lungs,
Sapping every hope away.

The air here is thick with fear.
The road is a snake,
Coiling tighter, tighter,
Around corners,
With no potholes deeper
than the silence inside me.
And the weight of despair
Ringing through the hollow expanse of my isolation.

As I run faster and farther,
Each breath turns into a razor,
Cutting through the fog of delusion.
And in complete darkness around,
Under dead stars and worn out moon
I could still see my shadow
They are many
And they dance with cruel intent,
Feeding on my sanity,
Ensuring that escape remains an illusion.

There’s no end to this journey,
No escape from its grasp,
Just the endless pursuit
Of a future that won’t last.
So I run,
Driven by the darkness within,
Chasing a fleeting dream
That will never begin.

Suddenly, the road narrows,
Chains of anguish pulling tighter on me,
Binding me as if I were a marionette
Of my own despair,
Chased by the demons of destiny
I once sought to confront.

Nearing death,

Grasping for any hand to pull me out,
I was on a mission to find the end.
Now I lie dead on this road,
Which was always leading to nowhere.
I have reached the very end of the Road,
Realizing too late
That it’s marked by my own grave,
Holding an epitaph for every question
That began with,
Where does this road lead?

I am running down the streets.


